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Use and importance of HTML in the digital world

07 Feb 2023. 13:00
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5 min. of reading

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Do you know what HTML code is? Don't miss this post where we tell you the basics you need to know!

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Uso e importancia del HTML en el mundo digital

You may have heard of HTML, it is a code that is part of the web standards, along with other technologies such as CSS or JavaScript. 

This post will help you understand the basics of HTML programming and prepare you to improve the look and feel of your website.


What is HTML?

The creation of the HTML language is attributed to Tim Berners-Lee, one of the inventors of the World Wide Web. The acronym HTML stands for: "Hyper Text Markup Language". We understand hypertext as a structured set of texts, graphics, etc., linked together by links and logical connections. Therefore, HTML is the standard language for the elaboration of web pages.


What are HTML tags and what are they for?

HTML codes are used to create and format websites by means of tags and attributes, which define the presentation of content in a web browser.

These tags include instructions that browsers interpret as:

  • Images
  • Text
  • Hyperlinks
  • Word lists
  • Tables, etc.


How do HTML tags work and what are their uses?

For an HTML element to be readable, the tag must have two parts: a start tag (<tag>) and a closing tag (</tag>) between hyphens (< >).

For example, with the tag <img> you can insert images to the body of your page. On the other hand, the tag <a> allows you to insert a hyperlink to the page. 

Generally, they work on any operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.) as well as in any browser (Chrome, Explorer, Mozilla, Safari, Firefox or Bing). Despite not being a very sophisticated language, knowing the HTML language will allow you to introduce other more complex codes, such as, for example, Javascript.


Know the most commonly used HTML elements

You already know almost everything about HTML, but you still need to know what are the main markers that will define your website.

It is necessary to remember that tags are identified with a sign of less than (<), followed by the name of the tag and a sign greater than (>). Generally, most tags must be closed, which is done with a slash (/) between the "<" sign and the name of the tag.


The most commonly used elements are the following:

  • Paragraph (<p>).  The tag <p> must be opened and closed to define a paragraph. <p>This is a paragraph in HTML. </p>
  • Header (<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>). Header tags help create a hierarchy between parts of the text, separating it into sections. The <h1> is the most relevant heading, followed by, <h2><h3> and so on until, <h6>of minor importance.
  • Imagen (<img>). The tag, <img> unlike the vast majority of HTML tags, does not need a closure, but is accompanied by attributes such as "src", which indicates where the image is hosted. For example: <img src= "image location url">.
  • Anchor (<a>). The anchor tag defines a link to another page. The "href" attribute determines the destination of this link.
  • Order list (<ol>). An ordered list with numbered items is displayed. Each item must be tagged with the tag <li> (list item).


Now you know the basics of HTML! However, if you consider that it has not yet been clear to you, there are website builders to make this task easier for you. Take a look at our digitizer catalog and discover the different proposals that exist!

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