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How the Digital Spain 2025 Plan can help your business

04 Jan 2022. 16:13
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  • SME maturity
    1. Initiatives
    2. Sostenibilidad
    Scope to digitize
    1. Others

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Digital transformation in commerce is a priority issue for the economy and this is reflected in the measures promoted by the Spanish government.   

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Imagen como el Plan ED2025 puede ayudar a tu negocio

In just a few months, new technologies have meant a great leap forward for businesses.However, not all businesses are able to invest in digital technologies, which is currently a major problem for these companies, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic.   

 For this reason, the government has approved the Digital Spain Plan 2025, a programme that seeks to boost technological and digital transformation in SMEs and businesses. This plan will implement a set of structural reforms that will involve an investment of approximately 140,000 million euros over the next five years.

In order to promote more sustainable and inclusive growth based on the digitalisation of businesses, the Digital Spain 2025 Plan contains around 50 measures divided into 10 strategic axes.  

 These measures started to be implemented in 2020 and will continue until 2022 with an investment of 70 billion euros.


  1. Digital connectivity  

This axis focuses on ensuring that all businesses, and the population in general, have adequate digital connectivity to reduce the digital divide between rural and urban areas. The aim is for 100% of the population to have 100 Mbps coverage by 2025. 


  1. 5G technology  

 It is expected that by 2025 we will have 100% of the radio spectrum ready for 5G technology, to boost economic productivity, social progress and territorial structuring. 


  1. Digital skills 

 This focuses on strengthening the digital skills of workers and citizens. This axis will focus above all on meeting the needs of the labour market and eliminating the digital divide in education.  The goal for 2025 is for 80% of people to have basic digital skills, of which 50% should be women.  


  1. Cybersecurity. 

 With the digital transformation of all sectors, especially trade, it will be of utmost importance to strengthen Spain's cybersecurity capacity. By 2025, the aim is to have 20,000 specialists in cybersecurity, data and artificial intelligence.


  1. Digital Transformation of the Public Sector 

 Through the updating of technological infrastructures, the main objective will be to promote the digitalisation of Public Administrations in key areas such as Social Policies, Employment and Justice.  To simplify and personalise the relationship between companies and businesses and the Administration, by 2025 public services will be available on a mobile app.


  1. Digital Transformation of Business and Digital Entrepreneurship

 This axis focuses on accelerating the digitalisation of companies and businesses, focusing on micro-SMEs and start-ups. The aim is for at least 25% of SME turnover to come from e-commerce by 2025. 


  1. Sectoral Digitalisation Tractor Projects

 Promote projects in strategic economic areas such as agri-food, transport, health, tourism, trade and energy through digital transformation, and accelerate the digitialisation of production models. These projects aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 10% as a result of the digitalisation of the economy by 2025.


  1. Spain as a pole of attraction for investment and talent in the audiovisual sector.

This axis aims to reactivate the audiovisual industry, attract foreign investment and enable the creation of quality jobs by increasing 30% of Spanish audiovisual production by 2025.



  1. Data economy and artificial intelligence.

Its focus is to move towards the data economy to take advantage of the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence with total security and privacy. The aim is that, within five years, at least 25% of companies will be using artificial intelligence and big data.



  1. Digital Rights.

 The aim is to draw up a charter of digital rights to protect especially labour rights, consumer rights, citizens' rights and companies' rights in the new digital environment.


 As you can see, most of these digital measures and agendas that have been proposed in the Digital Spain 2025 plan have been articulated to offer enormous possibilities to all businesses in the country. They aim to increase the productivity, competitiveness and sustainability of our economy and to boost the digital transformation of the sector. If you want to find more information about this plan, visit the España Digital 2025 website.

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